Angelina Kali International fashion model, Journalist, TV Reporter and Social Media Influencer
We all want to stay looking younger for as long as possible. There are so many brands that make all sorts of fantastical claims. The two scientific facts to keeping wrinkles at bay that have been proven is that it is essential to keep the skin hydrated and avoid too much sunlight. But it is equally important to look after the skin such as removing impurities as the face is constantly exposed to the elements.
I have tried many different products with some good results and some not so good. The one treatment that has proven to be very effective for me is French green clay. First of all, it is an all natural product so you can rest assured that you won’t be destroying the planet to stay beautiful. It is therefore ideal for anyone with sensitive skin.
French green clay cleans the pores by sucking out the impurities from the skin pores as well as any excess oil that can cause acne and skin blemishes. It is both a detoxifier as well as an exfoliant which helps to balance the skin’s pH levels. As the clay naturally contains moisture, it also hydrates the skin. This allows you to use a clay mask daily as long as you never let it dry out completely.
I try to use a clay face mask at least twice a week. And the tangible benefits for me is that so many people think that I am many years younger than my actual age. So now you know one of my secrets for having clear and youthful skin. Choosing a moisturiser that suits your skin is also essential but I will cover that in another blog. So for more beauty tips, keep following my blog.
